Room 101

The thing that is in Room 101 is the worst thing in the world.

Location: Near a big city, New York

Sunday, July 17, 2005

The Real Victims

From Frank Rich, NY TIMES, July 17, 2005-

This case is about Iraq, not Niger. The real victims are the American people, not the Wilsons. The real culprit - the big enchilada, to borrow a 1973 John Ehrlichman phrase from the Nixon tapes - is not Mr. Rove but the gang that sent American sons and daughters to war on trumped-up grounds and in so doing diverted finite resources, human and otherwise, from fighting the terrorists who attacked us on 9/11. That's why the stakes are so high: this scandal is about the unmasking of an ill-conceived war, not the unmasking of a C.I.A. operative who posed for Vanity Fair.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Human Slime

Rove, who has testified before a grand jury investigating the case, likewise has maintained that he did not break the law, saying in a television interview, "I didn't know her name, and I didn't leak her name."

- Washington Post, 7/8/05

No, you didn't leak her name. But you outed her. What did you say? "Wilson's wife?"

I'm so glad Bush pledged to get to the bottom of this. Such a man of honor.